Student's experience at USI

I immediately noticed the incredible enthusiasm of all the professors and members of the deanery.”
by Linda Bernasconi, Bachelor at University Basel


Come tutti sappiamo a settembre è iniziato il primo semestre del master di medicina presso l’università della svizzera italiana e fin dal primo giorno, al centro sportivo di Tenero, ho subito notato l’incredibile voglia di fare e l’entusiasmo di tutti i professori e i membri del decanato.

Le prime settimane introduttive sono state un grande aiuto per iniziare ad ambientarsi, a conoscere compagne e compagni e a ritornare nella routine scolastica in presenza che ci mancava ormai da un semestre intero.

Il primo martedì in ospedale ero super nervosa e avevo paura di sbagliare a fare qualsiasi cosa, ma ho presto capito che il tutor non era lì per giudicarci, ma piuttosto per lasciarci fare, lasciarci sbagliare e poi discutere insieme su quali aspetti migliorare. Ora a distanza di quasi due semestri mi sento molto più sicura in qualsiasi esercizio mi chiedano di svolgere. Il mio modo di pensare è cambiato radicalmente da settembre ad ora, adesso appeno sento dei sintomi sono subito focalizzata sulle possibili diagnosi differenziali e ho imparato a guidare la conversazione per raccogliere tutte le informazioni importanti.

Fino a inizio novembre siamo potuti andare a lezione in presenza nel nuovo campus, che avevamo tutto per noi e in realtà stavano ancora finendo di costruire, poi però sono iniziate le lezioni online, durante le quali, per me almeno, non sempre è stato facile ascoltare e mantenere un buon livello di motivazione.

Benché ci fossero tutte le restrizioni a causa del COVID-19, abbiamo avuto la fortuna di poter sempre andare in ospedale per le giornate cliniche e per me questo è stato davvero importante e positivo, considerando soprattutto che, la maggior parte delle altre università ha bloccato questo tipo di lezioni. Inoltre, grazie a queste due giornate avevamo la possibilità di vedere e parlare con altri compagni, cosa che con le lezioni online a me manca moltissimo.

Tutto sommato credo sia stato un buon primo semestre e le mie aspettative sono state più che superate e sono felice che l’esame di ammissione abbia preso questa decisione per me.


As we all know, in september the first semester of the Master of Medicine at the Università della svizzera italiana started, and from the very first day, at the sports center in Tenero, I immediately noticed the incredible enthusiasm of all the professors and members of the deanery.

The introductory weeks were a great help to start settling in, getting to know our classmates and returning to the school routine in attendance that we had been missing for a whole semester.

On the first Tuesday at the hospital I was super nervous and afraid of doing anything wrong, but I soon realized that the tutor was not there to judge us, but rather to let us do, let us make mistakes and then discuss together what we could do better. Now, almost two semesters later, I feel much more confident in whatever exercise I am asked to perform. My way of thinking has changed radically in these few months, now as soon as I hear symptoms I am immediately focused on possible differential diagnoses and I have learned to guide the conversation to gather all the important information.

Until the beginning of november we were able to go to classes in the new campus, which we had all to ourselves and were actually still in the process of building, but then the online classes started, during which, for me at least, it was not always easy to listen and maintain a good level of motivation.

Although there were all the restrictions because of COVID-19, we were lucky enough to always be able to go to the hospital for the clinical days and for me that was really important and positive, especially considering that most other universities blocked these kind of classes. Also, thanks to these two days we had the chance to see and talk to other classmates, something that I miss a lot being always at home during online classes.

All in all, I think it was a good first semester and my expectations were more than exceeded and I'm glad that the entrance exam made this decision for me.

“Yes, it would have been easier, but I would have let the chance of a lifetime slip away!”
by Adriano Caflisch, Bachelor at University Basel


Ün pô d’intschertezza e gniervusited d’eiran adüna preschaints düraint la sted passeda. Güst exmatriculó dall’universited da Basilea e cun bgers segns da dumanda in resguard a mieu futur i’l tessin cun ün nouv programm da master ch’üngün nu cugnuoschaiva auncha. Nu füss que forsa stô pü simpel da rester in quel lö ch’eau cugnuschaiv già dals ultims quatter ans?

Schi, que füss sto pü simpel, ma eau vess manchantò üna grandischma pussibilted!

L’intschertezza invers l’USI svaniva il pü tard zieva ils prüms trais dis d’introducziun al centro sportivo Tenero. Ils respunsabels dall’universited as vaivan do grandischma fadia dad imprender a cugnuoscher ün a l’oter – students, collaboraturs e docentas – düraint üna saireda da griglier dasper il Lago Maggiore lündeschdi, üna rapreschantaziun da teater a Locarno mardi ed ün aperitif marculdi a Tenero. Propcha dal cumanzamaint davent as vaiva ün sentimaint da cumünaunza in quista faculted da medicina güst naschida, ün’experienza tuottafat nouva.

E quel sentimaint resta omnipreschaint eir zieva ün an in quist program da master. Nus vains minch’eivna la pussibilited da discuter ün cas d’üna paziainta u ün paziaint cun meidis e professoressas in pitschnas gruppas, sainza avair temma da fer sbagls ed esser critichos dad els, ma cun la tschertezza ch’els ans güdan d’ans svilupper ed amegldrer.

Il listess vela per quels duos dis minch’eivna cha passantains a l’ospidel. Ils tutors e las tutoras ans muossan lur lavur ed ans daun ün’introducziun in lur spezialited individuela in clinica. In quel möd vzains nus students e studentas auncha bgeras spezialisaziuns impü scu cha que füss pussibel düraint nos an da pratica.

Eau sun superbi da pudair fer part da quist program da master e tscherniss darchò Lugano sainza esiter!


A little bit of uncertainty and nervosity was present throughout the whole of last summer. I had just disenrolled from the university of Basel and was moving to Ticino with lots of question marks regarding my future there in a new master program nobody knew yet. Wouldn’t it have been easier just to stay in that place I had known for the last four years?

Yes, it would have been easier, but I would have let the chance of a lifetime slip away!

The uncertainty towards the USI vanished after the three introduction days at the centro sportivo Tenero. The responsibles did a fantastic job in making us get to know one another – students, employees and professors – with a lakeside barbecue on Monday, a theater visit on Tuesday and an apéro on Wednesday. From the beginning, there was a sence of community among this newly born faculty of medicine like I had never encountered before.

And that feeling has been present everywhere, even after the first year in this master program. Every week we have the possibility to discuss the case of a patient with doctors and professors in small groups without having to be afraid of making mistakes or being critisized because we know that with their help we are developping and improving ourselves.

The same applies to the two clinical days we spend at the hospital every week. The tutors show us their working process and give us an introduction in their individual clinical speciality. That way we students are able to see even more different specializations than we would be able to see during our elective terms.

I am proud to be a part of this master program and would choose Lugano again without hesitation!


“Even if Lugano was not my favourite, it definitely turned into it.”

by Alessandra Pfister, Bachelor at ETH Zurich


Wie bei vielen von uns, war auch für mich Lugano nicht die 1. Wahl und für lange Zeit das wohl oder übel gezogene Los. Doch schon bei der Wohnungssuche im Frühjahr 2020 hat sich das schnell geändert. Denn damit hat mein Kapitel “Ticino” begonnen. Obwohl das Besichtigen von Wohnungen mit COVID-19 und am anderen Ende der Schweiz etwas kompliziert war, hat sich schnell das Gefühl von einem abenteuerlichen Neuanfang breit gemacht.

Als wir dann im September endlich starten konnten, waren alle Vorbehalte gegenüber dem Tessin verflogen. Die Einführungstage in Tenero haben dazu noch alles übertroffen.

Was ich sehr schätze ist, dass wir mit knapp 50 Studierenden wie eine grosse Klasse sind. Man kennt sich und der Zusammenhalt ist super. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist, dass alle Mitstudierenden in wenigen Gehminuten entfernt wohnen. Das macht auch das Leben neben dem Studium einmalig und bestimmt nie langweilig.

Zudem hat auch Lugano und das Tessin einiges zu bieten. Das Wetter ist (fast immer) traumhaft und lädt zu vielen Aktivitäten im Freien ein. An freien Nachmittagen fühlt es sich teilweise immer noch wie Ferien in Italien an.

Doch nicht nur für die Freizeit hat es sich gelohnt das Abenteuer Tessin in Angriff zu nehmen. Der Aufbau unseres Studienganges unterscheidet sich in einigen grundlegenden Aspekten von anderen Unis. Ein grosser Teil der Vorlesungen findet in kleineren Gruppen statt, weshalb sie viel interaktiver gestaltet werden können. Neben den Vorlesungen und den Tagen in der Klinik, haben wir die Möglichkeit Wahlfächer zu belegen. Diese, oft praktischen, Kurse gestalten das Curriculum etwas individueller und machen auch viel Spass.

Obwohl Lugano nicht mein Favorit war, ist es defintiv zu dem geworden. Das Studium, die Dozenten, das Dekanat und natürlich meine Mitstudenten machen die Zeit hier bestimmt unvergesslich.


As for many of us, Lugano was as well for me not the 1st choice and for a very long time the irreversible lot. But already when looking at the apartments in spring 2020 that changed immediately. With that, my chapter “Ticino” began. Even if visiting apartments with COVID-19 and on the other end of Switzerland was a bit complicated, the feeling of a adventurous new beginning had emerged.


As soon as we finally could start in September, all the retentions towards the Tessin were vanished. The introduction days in Tenero even outwent everything.

What I really appreciate is that with 50 students we’re like a big school class. We know each other and the team spirit is great. Another advantage is, that all fellows live in walking distance away. That makes the life besides the studies unique and certainly never boring.


Furthermore, also Lugano and the Tessin has a lot to offer. The weather is (nearly always) gorgeous and invites to a lot of outdoor activities. Sometimes it feels like holidays in Italy on our free afternoons.

But it was not only worth it for the free time to start the adventure Tessin. The structure of our study program differs in some fundamental aspects from other universities. A big part of the lectures is held in small groups, what makes the more interactive. Besides the lectures and the clinical days we have the opportunity to choose different optional courses. This, often practical, courses create the curriculum more individual and also make a lot of fun.

Even if Lugano was not my favourite, it definitely turned into it. The study program, the professors, the deanery and certainly the other students make the time here unforgettable.